Hi, I'm Paweł 🖐

I create websites and web applications using JS, PHP, React and WordPress

Website mockups

Selected Projects

  • Discord Clone

    Discord Clone

    Chat app with multiple channels, authentication, and real-time database communication

  • Suntime


    E-commerce website with headless CMS and Snipcart payments

  • Classifieds App

    Classifieds App

    OLX-like application with advanced filters, authentication, and CRUD functionality.

  • O’clock


    Elegant online shop powered by Gatsby, Strapi and Stripe

  • Your House

    Your House

    Simple WordPress website with smooth animations and page transitions


I love front-end development, so HTML, CSS, and SASS are my bread and butter. I speak fluent JavaScript and PHP and a bit ineloquent TypeScript.

React is my favorite framework and I’m no stranger to Redux, testing libraries, or static site generators. I’ve been working with WordPress while freelancing and I’m a huge fan of theme development.

A few of my training projects are created using Node as a backend, so I have a basic knowledge about Express and Nest.

Wanna hire me?